Get the Reparation You Deserve

We are a leading staffing agency near me and are happy to help any day! Although conflicts arise in every divorce, in terms of the process, we represent clients in court-litigated divorces and out-of-court settlements, as well as disputes after divorce (post-judgment). Litigated matters typically begin with the filing of a divorce complaint, and require a judge to decide the outstanding issues. There is nothing more personal or important than your family and your future when a marriage is ending. The attorneys at know that the major decisions you make now – or those a court makes for you – will have lasting effects. We help to educate clients about divorce law, and work to protect their interests.

In out-of-court settlements, the divorcing parties negotiate their own settlement with the help of their respective attorneys. This process is generally faster and less expensive than litigation, and allows the parties more control over the outcome. Often, we are able to help our clients reach a negotiated settlement without ever having to set foot in a courtroom.

After a divorce is finalized, there are often additional issues that need to be addressed, such as modifications to child custody or support arrangements. Our attorneys have the experience and knowledge necessary to help clients resolve these post-divorce disputes in a fair and efficient manner.

No matter what type of divorce process you are facing, the attorneys at our firm will stand by your side.

Out-of-court settlements typically begin with settlement negotiations, mediation or collaborative practice. We strive for an amicable resolution of matrimonial issues. It is in the family’s best interest from both an emotional and a financial perspective.

In addition to divorces, and disputes after the divorce (post-judgment) such as college expenses, cohabitation and termination of alimony, moving out of state with children (removal), etc., we also represent individuals before family court judges for restraining orders in matters of domestic violence.

We are mindful of the cost of divorce to individuals. We will always recommend the most cost efficient manner of handling your case, and we have experience in methods that help contain counsel fees without compromising your rights.

Our attorneys are often called-upon by other attorneys and divorcing spouses to act as a neutral mediator in a divorce. In this circumstance, we work closely with the parties to bring the family law matter to an agreement called a memorandum of understanding.

We represent clients in court and outside of court on all issues of family law.  Some of our work includes: trials, domestic violence, restraining orders, negotiating and drafting settlement agreements (MSA’s), and pursuing issues after-divorce (post-judgment). After-divorce issues often include: college expenses, cohabitation, termination of alimony, modification of alimony or moving out of state with children (removal).  We also represent individuals involved in DCP&P action

We also provide the best employment opportunities wheather you are looking to work in office or are looking for remote jobs near me.

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